Dr. Iliopoulos is an Associate Professor in the Dept. of Physics, University of Crete and an Associated Researcher of IESL-FORTH. He holds a Ph.D. (2002) from Boston University, Center for Photonics Research, USA. He has collaborated with a number of international companies (Lokheed-Martin Inc., EADS N.V., Aixtron SE, III-V Lab, EG&G Inc., BAE Inc., Astex Inc., Epion Inc.) and organizations (ARPA, ESA) in epitaxial growth of III-Nitride semiconductor heterostructures and nanostructures, in development of (opto)electronic devices based on them and in novel, QDs based, device concepts. He was a national representative and workgroup vice-chair in the European program COST-MP0805 “Novel gain materials and devices based on III-V-N compounds” and an elected member of the board of directors of the Hellenic “Micro&Nano” organization. He is a permanent member of the biannual EXMATEC workshop international steering committee and a management committee member of the “Crete Center for Quantum Complexity and Nanotechnology (CCQCN)”. He has authored or co-authored more than 80 publications in recognized international peer-reviewed journals with more than 1800 citations and an h-index of 25. He has been awarded as principal investigator/coordinator two international and one national research projects and has participated as co-investigator in numerous European ones.
[1] http://www.researcherid.com/rid/C-6756-2011
[2] http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0818-6474
[3] https://scholar.google.gr/citations?user=1_sfaOYAAAAJ
[4] https://cc-webserver.iesl.forth.gr/sites/default/files/cv-en/Iliopoulos%20CV%20English%202017.pdf
[5] https://cc-webserver.iesl.forth.gr/sites/default/files/publications/Publications%20Iliopoulos%202017.pdf
[6] https://cc-webserver.iesl.forth.gr/en/research/MRG_quantum
[7] https://cc-webserver.iesl.forth.gr/en/research/MRG_energy
[8] https://cc-webserver.iesl.forth.gr/en/research/MRG_material
[9] https://cc-webserver.iesl.forth.gr/en/people/iliopoulos-eleftherios
[10] https://cc-webserver.iesl.forth.gr/en/project/nitphoto