Application of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and neural networks on archaeological human bones for the discrimination of distinct individuals
P. Siozos, N. Hausmann, D. Anglos
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Application of a deep-learning technique to non-linear images from human tissue biopsies for shedding new light on breast cancer diagnosis
V. Tsafas, I. Oikonomidis, E. Gavgiotaki, E. Tzamali, G. Tzedakis, C. Fotakis, I. Athanassakis, G. Filippidis
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The Micellization of Well-defined Single Graft Copolymers in Block Copolymer/Homopolymer Blends
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Low-loss integrated nanophotonic circuits with layered semiconductor materials
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Influence of Mg doping on the ultrafast electron dynamics of VO2 films
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Biohybrid plants with electronic roots via in-vivo polymerization of conjugated oligomers
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Atomtronic Matter-Wave Lensing
Saurabh Pandey, Hector Mas, Georgios Vasilakis, and Wolf von Klitzing
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A Low-Power CuSCN Hydrogen Sensor Operating Reversibly at Room Temperature
Viktoras Kabitakis,Emmanouil Gagaoudakis,Marilena Moschogiannaki,George Kiriakidis,Akmaral Seitkhan,Yuliar Firdaus,Hendrik Faber,Emre Yengel,Kalaivanan Loganathan,George Deligeorgis,Leonidas Tsetseris,Thomas D. Anthopoulos,Vassilios Binas
Advanced Functional Materials, 2102635, 2021,
Low-autofluorescence, transparent composite for multiphoton 3D printing
George Flamourakis, Antonis Kordas, Georgios D Barmparis, Anthi Ranella, Maria Farsari
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Tuning the valley polarization in WS2 monolayers via control of active defect sites induced by photochemical doping
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