Polymer Electronics is the newer among the research directions within the Soft Matter Division of the IESL. The research activities of the Polymer Electronics and Bioelectronics Laboratory focus on the development and the study of electrically active polymers, and their integration in electronic devices. The expertise of the team spans over conducting and semi-conducting polymers, organic mixed ionic-electronic conductors, as well as ferroelectric/piezoelectric polymers. Our skills integrate materials design and processing, physical characterizations (structural, electrical, optoelectronic, etc.), organic electronic device fabrication and performance characterizations. The core of our research lies on the establishment of the materials' processing-structure-function relationships, and their capitalization on the optimization of the performance of the respective devices. Target applications include:

Energy harvesting from clean and renewable sources:

  • Thermoelectrics
  • Photovoltaics
  • Piezoelectric nanogenerators


  • Electronic plants
  • Stretchable electronics
  • Electronic skin


Novel Polymeric Materials for the Electronic Skin Application
Next generation AEROsol sampling technology with embedded SERS sensing capabilities
Hybrid Electronics Based on Photosynthetic Organisms
eSoil: A low- power bioelectronic growth scaffold that enhances crop seedling growth
Oikonomou V. K., Huerta M., Sandéhn A., Dreier T., Daguerre Y., Lim H., Berggren M., Pavlopoulou E., Näsholm T., Bech M., Stavrinidou E.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume:121 , Issue:2, Page:e2304135120, Year:2024, DOI:://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2304135120
Chitosan-Modified Polyethyleneimine Nanoparticles for Enhancing the Carboxylation Reaction and Plants' CO2 Uptake
Cyril Routier, Lorenzo Vallan, Yohann Daguerre, Marta Juvany, Emin Istif, Daniele Mantione, Cyril Brochon, Georges Hadziioannou, Åsa Strand, Torgny Näsholm, Eric Cloutet, Eleni Pavlopoulou, Eleni Stavrinidou
ACS Nano, Volume:17, Issue:4, Page:3430-3441, Year:2023, DOI:://doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.2c09255
Improved Performance of Organic Thermoelectric Generators Through Interfacial Energetics
Petsagkourakis I., Riera-Galindo S., Ruoko P., Strakosas X., Pavlopoulou E., Liu X., Braun S., Kroon R., Kim N., Lienemann S., Gueskine V., Hadziioannou G., Berggren M., Fahlman M., Fabiano S., Tybrandt K., Crispin X
Advanced Science, Volume:10, Issue:20, Page:2206954, Year:2023, DOI:://doi.org/10.1002/advs.202206954
Optical fiber sensor for the vapor phase detection of Trifluoroethanol
Vasilios Sarakatsianos, Georgios Pappas, Eleni Pavlopoulou, Maria Vamvakaki, Stavros Pissadakis
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Volume:12643, Page:126431F, Year:2023, DOI:://doi.org/10.1117/12.2678548
Biohybrid plants with electronic roots via in-vivo polymerization of conjugated oligomers
D. Parker, Y. Daguerre, G. Dufil, D. Mantione, E. Solano, E. Cloutet, G. Hadziioannou, M. Berggren, E. Pavlopoulou, E. Stavrinidou
Materials Horizons, Volume:8, Page:3295, Year:2021, DOI:doi.org/10.1039/D1MH01423D
The Micellization of Well-defined Single Graft Copolymers in Block Copolymer/Homopolymer Blends
E. Pavlopoulou, K. Chrissopoulou, S. Pispas, N. Hadjichristidis and S. H. Anastasiadis
Polymers, Volume:13, Page:833, Year:2021, DOI:doi.org/10.3390/polym13050833
Toward High-Performance Green Piezoelectric Generators Based on Electrochemically Poled Nanocellulose
Sultana Ayesha, Alam Md. Mehebub, Pavlopoulou Eleni, Solano Eduardo, Berggren Magnus, Crispin Xavier, Zhao Dan
Chemistry of Materials, Volume:35, Issue:4, Page:1568-1578, Year:2023, DOI:://doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemmater.2c03020
Non-destructive depth-dependent morphological characterization of ferroelectric:semiconducting polymer blend films
N. Spampinato, G. Pecastaings, M. Maglione, G. Hadziioannou, E. Pavlopoulou*
Colloid and Polymer Science, Volume:299, Page:551, Year:2021, DOI:doi.org/10.1007/s00396-020-04803-4
Thiophene-Based Trimers for In Vivo Electronic Functionalization of Tissues
D. Mantione,* E. Istif, G. Dufil, L. Vallan, D. Parker, C. Brochon, E. Cloutet, G. Hadziioannou, M. Berggren, E. Stavrinidou,* and E. Pavlopoulou*
ACS Applied Electronic Materials, Volume:2, Page:4065, Year:2020, DOI:doi.org/10.1039/d0ta06031c
Thiophene-Based Aldehyde Derivatives for Functionalizable and Adhesive Semiconducting Polymers
Emin IstifEmin Istif Laboratoire de Chimie des Polymères Organiques (LCPO - UMR 5629), Bordeaux INP, Université de Bordeaux, CNRS, 16 Av. Pey-Berland, Pessac 33607, France More by Emin Istif Orcidhttp://orcid.org/0000-0003-4700-7050 , Daniele Mantione*, Lorenzo Vallan, Georges Hadziioannou, Cyril Brochon, Eric Cloutet*, and Eleni Pavlopoulou*
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, Volume:12, Issue:7, Page:8695–8703, Year:2020, DOI:doi.org/10.1021/acsami.9b21058
Unraveling vertical inhomogeneity in vapour phase polymerized PEDOT:Tos films
S. Chen, I. Petsagkourakis, N. Spampinato, C. Kuang, X. Liu, R. Brooke, E. S. H. Kang, M. Fahlman, X. Crispin, E. Pavlopoulou*, M. P. Jonsson*
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Volume:8, Page:18726, Year:2020, DOI:doi.org/10.1039/d0ta06031c
Ferroelectricity in Undoped ZnO Nanorods
Jon Maiz, Pauline Loxq, Pierre Fau, Katia Fajerwerg, Myrtil L. Kahn, Guillaume Fleury, Georges Hadziioannou, Guillaume Guegan, Jérôme Majimel, Mario Maglione, Vincent Rodriguez*, Eleni Pavlopoulou*
J. Phys. Chem. C, Volume:123, Issue:48, Page:29436–29444, Year:2019, DOI:doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b08247
Enhancing the ferroelectric performance of P(VDF-co-TrFE) through modulation of crystallinity and polymorphism
Nicoletta Spampinato, Jon Maiz, Giuseppe Portale, Mario Maglione, Georges Hadziioannou, Eleni Pavlopoulou*
Polymer, Volume:149, Page:66-72, Year:2018, DOI:doi.org/10.1016/j.polymer.2018.06.072
Correlating the Seebeck coefficient of thermoelectric polymer thin films to their charge transport mechanism
I. Petsagkourakis, E. Pavlopoulou,* Y.-F. Chen, X. Liu, M. Fahlman, M. Berggren, X. Crispin, S. Dilhaire, G. Fleury,* G. Hadziioannou*
Organic Electronics, Volume:52, Page:335 - 341, Year:2018, DOI:doi.org/10.1016/j.orgel.2017.11.018
Structurally-Driven Enhancement of Thermoelectric Properties within Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) Thin Films
I. Petsagkourakis, E. Pavlopoulou, G. Portale, B. A. Kuropatwa, S. Dilhaire, G. Fleury*, G. Hadziioannou*
Scientific Reports, Volume: 6, Page:30501 , Year:2016, DOI:doi.org/10.1038/srep30501
Tuning the Morphology of All-Polymer OPVs Through Altering Polymer-Solvent Interactions
E. Pavlopoulou, C. S. Kim, S. S. Lee, Z. Chen, A. Facchetti, M. F. Toney, Y.-L. Loo*
Chemistry of Materials , Volume:26, Issue:17, Page:5020 - 5027, Year:2014, DOI:doi.org/10.1021/cm502112z
Phase Separation-Driven Stratification in Conventional and Inverted P3HT:PCBM Organic Solar Cells
E. Pavlopoulou, G. Fleury*, D. Deribew, F. Cousin, M. Geoghegan, G. Hadziioannou*
Organic Electronics , Volume:14, Issue:5, Page:1249 - 1254, Year:2013, DOI:doi.org/10.1016/j.orgel.2013.02.020
Block Copolymer as Nano-Structuring Agent for High-Efficiency and Annealing-Free Bulk Hetero-Junction Organic Solar Cells
C. Renaud, S.-J. Mougnier, E. Pavlopoulou, C. Brochon*, G. Fleury, D. Deribew, G. Portale, E. Cloutet, S. Chambon, L. Vignau, G. Hadziioannou*
Advanced Materials , Volume:24, Issue:16, Page:2196 - 2201, Year:2012, DOI:doi.org/10.1002/adma.201104461


Dr. Pavlopoulou Eleni
Assistant Researcher

Technical Staff

Ms. Georgopoulou Vasiliki
Technical Scientist


Mr. Fragkogiannis Christos
Ph.D. student
Ms. Chatzaki Thaleia - Michaela
Ph.D. student