The evolutionary path of contemporary wireless communication systems to future ones is twofold. On the one hand it relies on the continuous enhancement of terrestrial cellular communications network such as 4G into 5G and on the other hand on the transition from present satellite communications (Satcom) networks as for instance the Inmarsat (1) to emerging satellite megaconstellation such as Oneweb (2) . In both cases the priority is to increase the service capacity and bridge the so called societal or geographical digital gap. There are plenty of open critical ICT issues at software/data processing level (protocol, spectrum, waveforms management and optimization) and at hardware level. The latter is far more critical as it requires a heavier infrastructural investment and poses tougher technological challenges to be solved.
NANOSMART develops technology based on Carbon NanoTubes (CNT) and 2D materials which have been identified by ITRS as the most promising materials for future electronics. They both offer scalability potential well beyond that of Silicon or any other conventional semiconductor.
NANOSMART will develop all key components to implement wireless transceiver technology based on those materials thus establishing the future generation of analog electronics. In total NANOSMART addresses mmWave ICs and power management using 2 different material technologies complementing each other.