Prof. Xenophon Zotos, a collaborating Faculty member of our Institute has been selected along with 143 reviewers thoughout the world for their outstanding contribution to assessing manuscripts in the APS journals. Each year the American Physical Society (APS) chooses to acknowledge the contribution of their reveiwers in the OUtstanding referree program that was intitiated in 2008. The highly selective Outstanding Referee program annually recognizes about 150 of the roughly 71,000 currently active referees. At the start of the program, in 2008 and 2009, larger groups were selected by our Editors for the Outstanding Referee designation, in order to "catch up" and recognize referees who had already served for many years. Like Fellowship in the APS, this is a lifetime award. In this year, 2019, 143 Outstanding Referees were selected. For more details please read the original announcement from Amerian Physical Society