Office Phone: (+30) 2810 39 1381
Lab Phone: (+30) 2810 39 1251
Email: savvak@physics.uoc.gr
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Kyriaki Savva is a Post-Doctoral Researcher in the Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser (IESL) at Foundation for Research and Technology (FORTH) in Heraklion, Crete. She received her PhD in Physics from University of Crete in 2018.
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- 2018 Ph. D. Department of Physics, University of Crete, Greece.
- 2012, Master of Microelectronics and Optoelectronics, University of Crete, Greece.
- 2009, Bachelor, Physics, University of Crete, Greece
- Laser ablation in liquid medium for the generation of metallic nanoparticles
- Laser processing of 2D materials
- Pulsed laser deposition of thin films
- Photochemical synthesis of graphene oxide derivatives for applications in organic photovoltaics
- Characterization of photovoltaic devices with electrical measurements
- UV-visible spectroscopy
- Raman spectroscopy
- Optical Microscopy
- XRD spectroscopy