Dr. Dimitra Milioni received her Diploma on Applied Physics from the National Technical University of
Athens (NTUA), Greece and then pursued her studies (M.Sc.) on Molecular and Cellular Biophysics in
Pierre et Marie Curie University – Paris VI, France. She obtained her PhD degree on Biophysics from the
same University (2012). On 2013 she joined the Biosensors group at the Institute of Molecular Biology
and Biotechnology (IMBB-FORTH) until 2020, when she became a member of the Ultrafast Laser Micro-
and Nano- Processing Laboratory.
Her scientific interests lie on biosensors and their use for diagnostic purposes, as well as on the development of new methodologies for biosensor devices. Also, she is interested on model membranes (liposomes, supported lipid bilayers, BLM) and their interaction with other molecules (antimicrobial peptides, membrane proteins & amphiphilic polymers) for drug delivery applications.
- PhD in Life Sciences (November 2012): “Photocontrolled Permeabilization of Biological Membranes; Studies on model membranes and cells”, BioMolecules Lab, Pierre et Marie Curie University, Chemistry dpt (UMR 7203, UPMC-CNRS-ENS), France.
- MSc.: “Molecular and Cellular Biophysics” (June 2009): Physics Faculty, Pierre et Marie Curie University (UPMC-Paris VI), France.
- 5-year Diploma: “Applied Physical Sciences” (July 2008): School of Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece.
- Research Associate (September 2020 – today): Ultrafast Laser Micro and Nano Processing Laboratory, Institute of Electronic Structure and Lasers - Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (IESL – FORTH), Greece.
- Research Scientist (April 2013 – June 2020): Biosensors Lab, Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology - Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (IMBB - FORTH), Greece.
- Postdoctoral Collaborating Researcher (October – December 2016): BioMolecules Lab, “Analysis, Molecular and Cellular Interactions” group, Pierre et Marie Curie University - National Center for Scientific Research - École Normale Supérieure (UMR 7203, UPMC
- Visiting Researcher (December 2012 – March 2013): Molecular Modeling and Drug Design Laboratory (Cournia Lab), Biomedical Research Foundation - Academy of Athens (BRFAA), Athens, Greece.
- Research Engineer (September – November 2012): BioMolecules Lab, “Analysis, Molecular and Cellular Interactions” group, Pierre et Marie Curie University - National Center for Scientific Research - École Normale Supérieure (UMR 7203, UPMC-CNRS-ENS), France
- Teaching Assistant (September 2009 – November 2012): 1st and 2nd semester courses (L1-PCME, LP111), Physics Faculty, Pierre et Marie Curie University (UPMC – Paris VI), France.
- Biosensors, new methodologies for biosensor devices
- Molecular biophysics
- Nanocarriers, nanoparticles & biological use
- Model membrane systems (liposomes, BLM, SLB)
- Cell membrane permeabilization & intermolecular interactions
- DNA and protein conformational changes & interactions
- Protein adsorption on surfaces, surface chemistry
- 2015 - 2017: Postdoc Fellowship of Excellence by the State Scholarships foundation, Greece (ΙΚΥ-Siemens).
- 2016: French Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research. Grant for young researchers («Séjours scientifiques de haut niveau» - SSHN 2016).
- 2013: Qualified for Assistant Professor Positions in Higher Education in France (Section 28: Dense Mediums and Materials).
- 2009: French Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research. Research grant for PhD Thesis preparation.
- 2008: Regional Council of Île-de-France. Grant for Master Thesis preparation.