Event Dates
From: 25/09/2024 11:00
To: 25/09/2024 12:30
External Speaker
Dr. Panagiotis Loukakos (FORTH / IESL, Heraklion Crete, Greece)
FORTH Seminar Room: C. Fotakis

Ultrafast laser spectroscopy is a versatile tool for studying the fundamental electronic interactions taking place in the microcosmos and are the origin for the manifestation of the macroscopic properties of novel materials. These properties can be manipulated to serve a particular purpose. For example: increase the catalytic activity of nanocatalysts,  expedite the optical switching of photonic materials, or increase the efficiency of energy harvesting and storage from nanotextured materials, and many more. Thus, the use of ultrafast lasers and laser spectroscopy acquires a dual purpose: to study these processes and to control them.

In this seminar I will discuss the past and the current status of the research activity for the study of ultrafast process in solid state using ultrashort laser pulses with an outlook for the foreseeable future.