Dr. George Kenanakis is a principal Researcher at IESL-FORTH, where he joined at 2006. His main research interests range between applied physics and electromagnetism (focused in the electromagnetic wave propagation in composite media, with emphasis on metamaterials, photonic crystals and plasmonic structures), to chemical synthesis of metal oxide thin films and nanostructures (emphasized in the photocatalysis of organic pollutants in liquid and gas phase).
He has a strong experience in the analysis of thin films, nanostructures and metamaterials’ samples by means of microwave and FT-IR and Raman spectroscopy with emphasis on catalysis studies, dehydration kinetics, and in-situ measurements, along with electromagnetic shielding, energy harvesting, etc.
For the last years his research efforts are focused on 3D printing/additive manufacturing of polymeric nanostructures with multifunction properties, such as 3D printed circuits and electronics (a), Energy harvesting prototypes, using existing EM radiation (e.g. GSM, FM, WiFi) (b), 3D printed flexible electrodes for batteries (c), Large scale 3D photocatalytic/self-cleaning filters and devices (d), Industrial scale thermoelectric devices, for potential applications in random access memory devices (e), etc.
- 2011 Ph.D., University of Crete, Faculty of Sciences, Chemistry department. “Synthesis of ZnO and TiO2 thin films and nanostructures using chemical techniques and study of their photocatalytic properties”.
- 2007 M.Sc., University of Crete, Faculty of Sciences, Chemistry department. “Synthesis of ZnO nanostructures using aqueous solutions and study of their ozone sensing properties”
- 2003 B. Eng. (Chem.) & M.Sc.Eng. (Chem.), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Engineering, Chemical Engineering department. “The use of industrial minerals as soil enhancers in acidic soils”.
- Self employed chemical engineer from 30/10/2003 to 10/11/2016.
- Registered chemical engineer in Prefecture of Lasithi's records since 17/09/2004.
- Registered engineer in Greek Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate change (ID No. 22384) since 01/06/2010.
- Advanced auditor in Environmental Management Systems (ISO 14001) of TUV HELLAS since 20/12/04.
- Advanced auditor in Quality Management Systems (ISO 9001) of EUROCERT since 10/07/05.
- Collaborating Researcher in Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH) - Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser (IESL), 01/01/06 - 03/11/16.
- Assistant Researcher (Researcher C’) in Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH) - Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser (IESL), in the field of “Photonic metamaterials and devices”, 04/11/16 - 02/12/20.
- Associated Researcher in Center of Materials Science and Photonics of School of Applied Technology, Hellenic Mediterranean University (HMU), former Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Crete, since 01/09/06.
- Accredited instructor registered in Hellenic Food Authority of Greek Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity (E.F.E.T.); (ID No. 631).
- Accredited instructor registered in Greek National Centre for Public Administration and Local Government (E.K.D.D.A.); (ID No. 9088, Decision No: 4466-21/05/2019)
- Accredited instructor registered in Manpower Agency of Greece (O.A.E.D.); (ID No. 28894).
- Lecturer at Hellenic Mediterranean University (HMU), former Technological and Educational Institute (TEI) of Crete from 20/02/06 to 28/02/15.
- Electromagnetic wave propagation in composite media, with emphasis on metamaterials, photonic crystals, plasmonic structures, and random dielectric and metalodielectric systems.
- Design and simulation of both passive and dynamically controllable chiral metamaterials, as well as electromagnetic characterization of such metamaterials in microwaves and IR
- Realization/calculation of Casimir force between chiral metamaterials.
- Synthesis and study of metal oxide thin films and nanostructures of (ZnO, InOx, WO3, TiO2, SiO2, VO2) emphasized in: (a) photocatalysis of organic pollutants in liquid and gas phase, (b) growth of novel metal oxide coatings with self-cleaning properties
- 3D printing/additive manufacturing of polymeric nanostructures with multifunction properties: (a) 3D printed circuits and electronics, (b) Energy harvesting prototypes, using existing EM radiation (e.g. GSM, FM, WiFi), (c) 3D printed flexible electrode
- Cover of ACS Photonics Journal, Volume 6 (Number 3), March 2019: “Experimental Demonstration of Ultrafast THz Modulation in a Graphene-Based Thin Film Absorber through Negative Photoinduced Conductivity”.
- Cover of LaserLab-Europe Newsletter, Issue 24, December 2017: “Laser-made 3D zinc oxide nanostructures”.
- Cover of Materials Today journal, December 2016: “ZnO grown on 3D structures”.
- Member of project team “Extending electromagnetism through novel artificial materials - EXEL” which was awarded from the European Union with the “DESCARTES” Prize for Research Laureates for its innovative scientific work in left-handed meta-materials in D