Office Phone: (+30) 2810 39 4103
Lab Phone: (+30) 2810 39 4142
Email: aek@physics.uoc.gr
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- 1988, Ph.D in Solid state electornics, University of Salford, Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering, U.K.
- 1985, M.Sc in Solid state electronics, University of Salford, Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering, U.K.
- 1982, B.Sc in Applied physics, University of Salford, Department of Pure & Applied Physics, U.K.
- 12/2016 - today, Research director, Microelectornics Research Group, FORTH - IESL, Greece
- 04/2004 - 12/2016, Senior application scientist, Microelectornics Research Group, FORTH - IESL, Greece
- 07/1998 - 04/2004, Principal application scientist, Microelectornics Research Group, FORTH - IESL, Greece
- 07/1995 - 07/1998, Associated application scientist, Microelectornics Research Group, FORTH - IESL, Greece
- 05/1990 - 07/1995, Postdoctoral fellow, Microelectornics Research Group, FORTH - IESL, Greece
- 12/1989 - 05/1990, Software developer, Eltrans international transport S.A,
- 03/1989 - 11/1989 Software developer, National defense research centre, Greece
- 02/1988 - 05/1988, Postdoctoral fellow, Microelectornics Research Group, FORTH - IESL, Greece
- High frequency & high power devices: FETs, HEMTs, PHEMTs, MO(I)SFETs (III-arsenides & III-nitrides)
- High power devices: MESFETS, JFETs, IMPATT & ZENER diodes (SiC)
- High frequency & high power MMICs (III-arsenides & III-nitrides)
- THz diodes (III-arsenides)
- III-nitrides Nanowire and FINFET transistors
- Magnonics
- 2D materials based transistors, CNT based devices
- GaN based Qubits
- III-nitrides based UV detectors
- III-arsenides & III-nitrides photovoltaics
- III-nitrides SAW & FBAR based sensors
- III-nitrides CHEMFET based chemical sensors
- III-nitrides LAMB based biosensors
- Arrays of polymeric microneedles based EEG sensors
- Piezoelelectric sensors for gait monitoring
- RF MEMS Piezoelectric (III-nitrides) cantilevers
- Thermoelectric materials and devices
- Left handed & photonic structures
- Reconfigurable front end transmission/reception modules
- 3D system in chip (SiP) solutions for high power miniaturized modules
- 2018, Elected as Vice President of the Greek Micro and Nano Society
- 2016, Re-elected to the Scientific Council of IESL (1st in preference)
- 2013, Elected to the Scientific Council of IESL
- 2007, Re-elected Vice President of the Greek Micro and Nano Society
- 2005, Key member of the research team of FORTH (project FP6 “DALHM”) that won one of the EU Descartes prizes
- 2004, Elected as Vice President of the Greek Micro and Nano Society
- 2003, Elected to the Board of Directors of the European Microwave Association (EuMA) for 3 years
- 2003, Prize "Tudor Tanasescu" of the Romanian Academy of Sciences for my work in the membrane supported active & passive devices
- 2002, MRG Leader in the project FP4 INCO-COPERNICUS project "MEMSWAVE" (co- ordinated by IMT Bucharest), that was among the 10 finalists for the EU Descartes prize.