The Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser of the Foundation for research and Technology Hellas (IESL -FORTH), in the framework of the project CO2toO2 of Sub-Action 2, TΑ1 "Natural Sciences, Engineering Sciences and Technology, Environment and Energy" of the Proclamation "Funding of Basic Research (Horizontal support of all Sciences), National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Greece 2.0), funded by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI) and the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT) under Grant CO2toO2 Nr.:015922, is seeking to recruit one post-doctoral researcher.
Position Description
Experimental Atomic, Molecular and Optical physics, with emphasis in femtosecond/attosecond physics, light state engineering/detection/characterization and data analysis/processing.
Interested candidates who meet the aforementioned requirements are kindly asked to submit their applications to the address ( [4]), with cc to the Scientific Responsible, Dr P. Tzallas ( [5]).
In order to be considered, the application must include: