Lab Phone: +30 2810 391876
Email: filippidi@iesl.forth.gr, filippidi@materials.uoc.gr
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- 2005, B.S., Engineering Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA
- 2007, M.S., Biomedical Engineering, Boston University, Boston, MA, USA
- 2014, Ph.D., Physics, Center for Soft Matter Physics, Physics, New York University, NY, USA
- 2014-2018, Post-doctoral scholar, Materials Research Laboratory (MRL) and Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of California - Santa Barbara (UCSB), CA, USA
- 2019-2020, Post-doctoral scholar, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics and Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany
- soft matter
- biomaterials / bioinspired materials
- polymer networks
- protein condensates
- Max Planck Partner Group Leader, 2021 - present
- Springer Poster Award, 2019 European Polymer Congress for “Tough polymer networks with covalent and catechol-iron coordination bonds: correlation of binding stoichiometry with mechanical performance” by Filippidi, Palles, Cristiani, Eisenbach, Kamitsos
- Doctoral Thesis Award of the Circle of Hellenic Academics in Boston (2016)
- Alexander S. Onassis Foundation fellowship for four years of graduate studies (2009 - 2012)
- Eleni Gatzoyiannis Scholarship, Boston University (2007)
- Certificate of Recognition, Harvard Foundation for Intercultural and Race Relations (2005)
Toughening elastomers using mussel-inspired iron-catechol complexes.
Filippidi E. , Cristiani T.R. , Eisenbach C.D., Waite J.H., Israelachvili J.N., Ahn B.K. and Valentine M.T.
Science, Volume:358, Issue:6362, Page:502-505, Year:2017, DOI:10.1126/science.aao0350