Dr. Maria Pervolaraki is a Research Associate in the Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser at FORTH since November 2018. She received her Master in Physics with Honours (MPhys) in Applied Physics with Laser Technology (2001), her Postgraduate Diploma in Research Training (2004) and her Ph.D. in Physics (2006) from the University of Hull, UK. She has worked as post-doctoral and research associate in several national and international projects in the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at the University of Cyprus and as a Senior Research Consultant in ALTER ECO SOLUTIONS. She has authored numerous peer-reviewed scientific publications in the field of laser material interactions. Her main interests are laser ablation, laser micromachining, short pulse laser-matter interactions at high repetition rates, laser assisted growth of complex, functional thin films and nanostructures using Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD), Matrix Assisted Pulsed Laser Evaporation (MAPLE) technique, and Picosecond Ultrafast Pulsed Laser Deposition (UFPLD) for various applications in microelectronics, photonics, energy harvesting and medicine.
- 2006, Ph.D. in Physics, Department of Physics, University of Hull, UK
- 2004, PGDip, Postgraduate Diploma in Research Training, University of Hull, UK
- 2001, MPhys, Master of Physics with Honours (4 years degree), Applied Physics with Laser Technology, First Class, University of Hull, UK
- 11/2018 – Today, Research Associate, Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser (IESL) at Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH), Heraklion, Crete, Greece.
- 12/2017 – 10/2018, Senior Research Consultant, ALTER ECO SOLUTIONS LTD, Nicosia, Cyprus
- Fall semester 2016, Special Scientist: Teaching Laser Fundamentals, Laser Safety, Optics and Beam Alignment, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus
- 01/2015 – 12/2017, Organizer and Instructor: Interactive STEM actions for Preschool and Primary School kids, Nicosia, Cyprus
- 05/2007 – 12/2014, Postdoctoral Research Associate: Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus
- 04/2005 – 03/2007, Instructor in secondary schools, First Class Education, Hull, UK
- 10/2001 - 03/2005, Assistant Tutor, Department of Physics, University of Hull, UK
- Laser ablation
- Laser micromachining of polymers, semiconductors and metals
- Short pulse laser-matter interactions at high repetition rates
- Growth of complex, functional Oxides, Thermoelectric and Diamond-like thin films with nano-inclusion contents using pulsed laser deposition (PLD), and their characterisation
- Picosecond ultrafast pulsed laser deposition (UFPLD) of Si and C nanostructures
- Matrix assisted pulsed laser evaporation (MAPLE) of fragile molecules
- Laser-matter interactions using high repetition rate nanosecond and high power picosecond DPSS Nd:YVO4 lasers, F2, KrF and CO2 lasers
- Laser sintering of metals and dielectrics
- 2012- BEST POSTER AWARD, “Ultra-fast pulsed laser deposition of Carbon nanostructures: Structural and Optical characterization”, Symposium V: Laser materials processing for micro and nano applications, E-MRS, Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France
- 2009- BEST POSTER AWARD, “Mn12 benzoate thin films on Si substrates fabricated by Matrix Assisted Pulsed Laser Evaporation”, Symposium Q: Laser and Plasma Processing for Advanced Materials, E-MRS, Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France
- 09/2001-12/2004, Awarded a full Scholarship for Ph.D. from the Department of Physics, University of Hull, , Hull, UK
- 04/2001- Intensive course on Lasers and their applications on Telecommunication, Medicine and Industry. Fachhochschule Ostfriesland, Emden, Germany
- 09/1999 – 06/2000, 3rd year of the MPhys: Socrates-Erasmus exchange program, Department of Physical Electronics, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering at the Czech Technical University of Prague, Czech Republic