Office Phone: (+30) 2810 39 1381
Lab Phone: (+30) 2810 39 1333
Fax: B201-2
Email: giannakidis@iesl.forth.gr
I am a physicist (UoC 2020) currently working on a MSc at the Department of Materials Science & Technology of the Universoty of Crete, carrying out the research work of it at the Dynamics Group of IESL-FORTH.
My research focuses on building a Time-Resolved Electron Diffractometer, investigating chrial molecules with Photoelectron Circular Dihroism and probing fuels with spectroscopy.
- 2020 B.Sc. in Physics, Physics Dpt., University of Crete, GREECE
Detecting chirality in mixtures using nanosecond photoelectron circular dichroism
S. T. Ranecky, G. B. Park, P. C. Samartzis, I. C. Giannakidis, D. Schwarzer, A. Senftleben, T. Baumert, T. Schäfer
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., Volume:24, Page:2758, Year:2022, DOI:doi.org/10.1039/D1CP05468F