Office Phone: (+30) 2810 39 1922
Lab Phone: (+30) 2810 39 1918
Fax: G062
Email: spsychar@iesl.forth.gr
Mr. Stylianos E. Psycharakis received his diploma in Applied Physics in 2005 from National Technical University of Athens, and his MSc in Optoelectronics in 2008 from University of Crete. He is currently a PhD student at the University of Crete and a member of the Laboratory for Bio-photonics and Molecular Imaging (LBMI), IESL/FORTH, Heraklion Crete, Greece. He is currently working on the design and realization of novel 3D Micro-scopic imaging techniques such as Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy and Optical Projection Tomography and their application in studying dynamic biological processes.
- 2008, MSc, Optoelectronics, University of Crete, Greece
- 2005, BSc, National Technical University of Athens, Greece