Office Phone: (+30) 2810 391345
Email: psiozos(AT)iesl.forth.gr
Webpage: https://phohs.iesl.forth.gr/
Full CV: Download
- Panagiotis Siozos (PhD in the field of interaction of strong laser pulses with molecules from Physics Department, University of Ioannina, Greece). He has research experience for over ten years in various research fields related to laser-physics and he is involved in a number of research projects having a significant number of publications and participation in conferences. Currently he is working at IESL-FORTH as research assistant. His research interests include the development and optimization of mobile instrumentation on laser and optical spectroscopic methods (i.e. LIBS, Raman and Diffuse Reflectance) with emphasis to the development of analytical methodologies for their broad implementation in the study and investigation of Cultural Heritage materials (i.e. automatic detection of chemical elements and characterisation of LIBS spectra etc.).
- 2007, PhD, Molecular Physics, Univ. of Ioannina, Greece
- 1999, BSc, Physics , Univ. of Ioannina, Greece
- 10/2008-today , Post-doctoral researcher, IESL-FORTH
- 2/2007 – 9/2008 Working in the R&D department of NIKI Information Technologies & Digital Engineering Ltd
- Laser based analysis of cultural heritage materials. Methodology and instrumentation
- Development of portable spectroscopic instruments
- Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS)
- Raman micro-spectroscopy
- Pulsed laser systems, Spectroscopy and mass spectrometry detection systems
- Development of data acquisition and data analysis software
- Qualified to the final stage of the competition “Greece Innovates: 2nd Competition for Applied Research & Innovation”, 2013, presented the LMNT II portable laser device for rapid and direct identification of chemical elements in solid materials. http://ww
UV femtosecond single-pulse and collinear double-pulse laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) for depth-resolved characterization of nano-scaled films
Nikolaos Giannakaris, Panagiotis Siozos, Victor Piñon, Shyama Prasad Banerjee, Marc Sentis, Johannes D Pedarnig, Demetrios Anglos
Applied Surface Science, Volume:640, Page:158354, Year:2023, DOI:doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2023.158354
Applying laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and elemental imaging on marine shells for archaeological and environmental research
Niklas Hausmann, Danai Theodoraki, Victor Piñon, Panagiotis Siozos, Andreas Lemonis, Demetrios Anglos
Scientific Reports, Volume:13, Issue:1, Page:19812, Year:2023, DOI:doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-46453-w
Quantification of alloying elements in steel targets: The LIBS 2022 regression contest
Erik Képeš, Jakub Vrábel, Panagiotis Siozos, Victor Pinon, Pavlos Pavlidis, Demetrios Anglos, Tong Chen, Lanxiang Sun, Guanghui Lu, Dillam Jossue Díaz-Romero, Simon Van den Eynde, Isiah Zaplana, Jef Peeters, Václav Kaňa, Antonín Záděra, Vincenzo Palleschi, Alessandro De Giacomo, Pavel Pořízka, Jozef Kaiser
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, Volume:206, Page:106710, Year:2023, DOI:doi.org/10.1016/j.sab.2023.106710
Development of a methodology for the characterisation and assessment of biodeteriogens on archaeological surfaces by use of a portable LED-induced fluorescence instrument
A Giakoumaki, A Philippidis, P Siozos, I Pyrri, D Anglos, P Pouli
Heritage Science, Volume:10, Issue:1, Page:204, Year:2022, DOI:doi.org/10.1186/s40494-022-00827-x
Application of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and neural networks on archaeological human bones for the discrimination of distinct individuals
P. Siozos, N. Hausmann, D. Anglos
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Volume:32, Page:102769, Year:2021, DOI:doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2020.102769
Extensive elemental mapping unlocks Mg/Ca ratios as climate proxy in seasonal records of Mediterranean limpets
N. Hausmann, A. L. Prendergast, A. Lemonis, J. Zech, P. Roberts, P. Siozos, D. Anglos
Scientific Reports, Volume:9, Page:3698, Year:2019, DOI:doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-39959-9
On-line photoacoustic monitoring of laser cleaning on stone: evaluation of cleaning effectiveness and detection of potential damage to the substrate
G. Tserevelakis, J. S. Pozo-Antonio, P. Siozos, T. Rivas, P. Pouli, G. Zacharakis
Journal of Cultural Heritage, Volume:35, Page:108-115, Year:2018, DOI:doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2018.05.014
Portable laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy/diffuse reflectance hybrid spectrometer for analysis of inorganic pigments
P. Siozos, A. Philippidis, D. Anglos
Spectrochimica Acta Part B , Volume:137, Issue:1, Page:93-100, Year:2017, DOI:doi.org/10.1016/j.sab.2017.09.005
Elemental mapping of Mg/Ca intensity ratios in marine mollusc shells using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
N. Hausmann, P. Siozos, A. Lemonis, A. C. Colonese, H. K. Robson, D. Anglos
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., Volume:32, Page:1467-1472 , Year:2017, DOI:doi.org/10.1039/C7JA00131B
Materials analyses of pyrotechnological objects from LBA Tiryns, Greece, by means of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS): Results and a critical assessment of the method
A. Brysbaert, P. Siozos, M. Vetters, A. Philippidis, D. Anglos
Journal of Archaeological Science , Volume:83, Page:49-61, Year:2017, DOI:dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jas.2017.06.007
The height of Denier Tournois minting in Greece (1280-1313) according to new archaeometric data
J. Baker, V. Kantarelou, A.G. Karydas, R.E. Jones, P. Siozos, D. Anglos, B. Derham
The Annual of the British School at Athens, Volume:12, Page:267-307, Year:2017 , DOI:doi.org/10.1017/S0068245416000113
A multi-technique approach, based on mobile/portable laser instruments, for the in-situ pigment characterization of stone sculptures on the island of Crete dating from Venetian and Ottoman period
Z. E. Papliaka, A. Philippidis, P. Siozos, M. Vakondiou, K. Melessanaki, D. Anglos
Heritage Science, Volume:4, Issue:15, Year:2016, DOI:doi.org/10.1186/s40494-016-0085-2
Studying pigments on painted plaster in Minoan, Roman and Early Byzantine Crete. A multi-analytical technique approach
P. Westlake, P. Siozos, A. Philippidis, C. Apostolaki, B. Derham, A. Terlixi, V. Perdikatsis, R. Jones, D. Anglos
Anal. Bioanal. Chemistry, Volume:402, Page:1413–1432, Year:2012, DOI:link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00216-011-5281-z
Towards the understanding of the two wavelength laser cleaning in avoiding yellowing on stonework: a micro-Raman and LIBS study
A. Papanikolaou, P. Siozos, A. Philippidis, K. Melessanaki, P. Pouli
Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks XI, Proceedings of LACONA XI, Volume:0, Page:95-104, Year:2017, DOI:doi.org/10.12775/3875-4.06