Email: tman(at)iesl.forth.gr
Dr. Theodoros Manouras is currently a research associate in the Department of Materials Science and Technology of the University of Crete and a member of the Hybrid Nanostructures Group of the Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser, Foundation for Research and Technology. He received his B.Sc in Materials Science from the University of Patras (Greece) in 2005 and his M.Sc. and PhD in Polymer Science from the University of Athens (Greece) in 2007 and 2012, respectively. He was a PhD scholar in the National Center of Scientific Research “Demokritos” (Greece) working on the development of novel polymeric materials for lithographic applications and bioapplications.
- 2012, PhD, Chemistry Department, University of Athens, Greece and Institute of Microelectronics, National Center of Scientific Research “Demokritos”, Greece
- 2007, M.Sc, Chemistry Department, University of Athens, Greece
- 2005, B.Sc, Department of Materials Science, University of Patras, Greece
- Design and synthesis of novel ‘smart’ polymers of various architectures (linear, star, bottlebrush, brushes, etc)
- Biocidal and antifouling materials
- Self-assembly of polymeric materials
- Polymer electrolytes
- Polymers for drug delivery
- Lithographic applications (EUV, laser, DUV, hot tip lithography etc)
- Organic photochemistry
- 2018 - Research scholarship for 2 years through the ‘support of new scientist’ program from the Hellenic Republic Ministry of Education
- 2018 - Best poster award, 12th Hellenic Polymer Society International Conference, Ioannina
- 2015 - Best poster award, QualityNano Conference, Crete
- 2014 - Best poster award, 10th Hellenic Polymer Society Conference, Patras
- 2007 - PhD scholar in Institute of Microelectronics (IMEL) of National Center of Scientific Research "Demokritos" (Greece)