Office Phone: (+30) 2810 545047
Lab Phone: (+30) 2810 545118
Email: kalivm(at)iesl.forth.gr
Maria Kaliva is currently a Post-doctoral Fellow in the Department of Materials Science and Technology of the University of Crete and a member of the Hybrid Nanostructures Group of the of the Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser, Foundation for Research and Technology.
- 2004 PhD in Bioinorganic chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Crete, Greece
- 2002 MSc in Inorganic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Crete, Greece
- 2000 Bachelor in Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Crete, Greece
- Design and synthesis of functional and responsive polymers of various architectures (linear, star, graft, cyclic, etc)
- Synthesis of smart biodegradable polymers
- Modification of natural polymers
- Polymers for biomedical (drug delivery and tissue engineering) applications
- Smart polymer coatings and active packaging
- Porous materials for gas capture and catalysis
- 2010 Best Poster Award in Polymer Chemistry, 8th Hellenic Polymer Society Symposium
- 2007 - Best oral presentation award in the XXIII Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics & Materials Science