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Email: vamvakak@iesl.forth.gr
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- Ph.D, Polymer Chemistry from the University of Sussex, U.K.
- B.Sc., Chemistry at the University of Crete, Greece
- 2004 - now, Assistant Professor, Department of Materials Science and Technology, Univ of Crete, Greece
- 2001 - 2004, visiting Professor, Department of Materials Science and Technology, of the University of Crete, Greece
- 2001 - 2004, visiting scientist, School of Chemistry, Physics and Environmental Science at the University of Sussex, U.K.
- 2000, Research Associate, Chemistry Department of the University of Cyprus, Cyprus
- 1999, Visiting Assistant Professor in Chemistry at the Department of Physical Sciences of the University of Cyprus, Cyprus
- 1997 - 1998, post-doctoral associate, School of Chemistry, Physics and Environmental Science, University of Sussex, U.K.
- Synthesis and characterization of novel polymers of various architectures
- synthesis of model polymer networks and characterization of their swelling behavior
- self-assembly and structure formation of polymeric materials
- biomedical applications of polymers