Office Phone: (+30) 2810 394108
Lab Phone: (+30) 2810 394141
Email: trifili@physics.uoc.gr
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Dr. Zekentes works on research and development in the area of compound semiconductors and microelectronics. The last decade the emphasis was devoted in SiC device technology development for microwave and power applications as well as for the development of SiC based nanowire transistors.
- 1989, Ph.D. Physics of Semiconductors, University of Montpellier, France
- 01/2001 - today, Principal Researcher at Microelectornics Research Group, FORTH - IESL, Greece
- 1995 - 2000, Associate Researcher at Microelectornics Research Group, FORTH - IESL, Greece
- 1991 - 1995, Physicist-Researcher at Microelectornics Research Group, FORTH - IESL, Greece
- Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Electron devices
- Device fabrication
- Semiconductors physical characterization
- Research projects