Office Phone: (+30) 2810 391465
Lab Phone: (+30) 2810 391981
Email: benoit(AT)iesl.forth.gr
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- 1994 Ph. D. in Physics, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble
- 1989 Master of Physics (DEA Matière et Rayonnement), University J. Fourier, Grenoble
- 1988 “Ingénieur” Degree of the National Polytechnic Insitut of Grenoble (INPG), Material Physics
- Researcher (C) at the polymer group IESL-FORTH, Heraklion, (from Jan 02)
- Research Assistant Dept of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sheffield. Biopolymer mixtures
- Post-Doc. At the Polymer Group / IESL-FORTH Heraklion, Greece (November 95 to September 99), in charge of the X-Ray generator and spectrometer
- Ph. D. work at the Depart. Recherche Fondamemtale Matiere Condensee/SESAM CEA-Grenoble
- Royal Institut of Technology (Stockholm), Material Physics Laboratory, 16 months (in the frame of national service)(1991-1992), Research Student
- 4 months at Cryo-Physics Laboratory, CEA-Grenoble, (1988) Measurements of Thermal Conductivities at Low Temperatures
- Structure and dynamics of soft matter: polymer and soft colloids; studied systems include polymer / colloid solutions, star polymers, biopolymers, liquid crystalline polymers, ionomers/ polyelectrolytes, surfactants, polymer brushes, hydrogels
- Structure and Dynamic close to a solid surface, confinement effect